Collaborative type specimen from the seminar Very Open Type (2021–2022, HAW Hamburg)
Jens Schnitzler is a typography-focused graphic designer who codes websites and draws typefaces. Closely collaborating with individuals and institutions in the fields of culture and academia he develops visual identities and shapes digital and analogue media since 2014.
Contact: hello [at] jensschnitzler [dot] com
Instagram (together with Silva Baum): @space__practice
Selected Projects
Portfolio for Marie Gimpel
, website, in collaboration with
Lea Sievertsen
Sick Bed Series
, identity and website, with
Silva Baum
MIP.labor, graphic concept, design and web development, with Stella Friedenberger
2021Posterwomxn, website, with Jihee Lee
2020hhintersection, website, with Yulia Wagner
2020Filmische Initiative Leipzig FILZ, website, with Megan Dieudonné
2020Tirana Art Lab, website, with Paul Voggenreiter, who also developed the associated visual identity and print product designs
2019Digitale Grafik Invites, website, poster series, type design
2019Casting Screens, website with Cora Kehren, Marco Wesche, Benedikt Rottstegge
2019Point of no Return, concept, design, development with Lea Sievertsen, Timo Rychert, Paul Rutrecht
2017notamuse, website, direction, design, editing: Silva Baum, Claudia Scheer, Lea Sievertsen
Selected Clients
Art Handler Magazine
Everyone Initiative
Filmische Initiative Leipzig FILZ
Freie Universität Berlin
HFBK Hamburg
K3 - Zentrum für Choreographie
Knoth & Renner
Lamm & Kirch
Resident Advisor
Schwerdtfeger & Vogt
Sick Bed Series
Tirana Art Lab
2018–2021Master of Fine Arts, HfbK Hamburg, Klasse Digitale Grafik
2015–2019Master of Arts, Communication Design, HAW Hamburg
2011–2014Bachelor of Arts, Design, FH Münster
Teaching, Workshops
2021–2022Type Design Lecturer @ HAW Hamburg
2014Media Design Tutor @ FH Münster
Talks & Presentations
2022Trouble with Beauty Soiree, HAW Hamburg
2021Type Thursday Berlin
2020Ausgezeichnet, Preis des Zentrums für Designforschung für hervorragende, forschungsnahe Masterarbeiten für “Die Schrift unserer Zeit”
2020ADC Germany Silber für Die Ärzte - “Seitenhirsch / Das Lebenswerk” unter der Art Direction von zmyk
2020AIGA Eye on Design: It’s Not Just You—the Neon Glow of “Terminal Green” Really is Ubiquitous — featured poster “Digitale Grafik invites The Rodina” Link
2019It’s Nice That: Double Click’s back-to-school edition provides inspiration for anyone prepping a degree show — featured project “Casting Screens” Link
2015–2021Annual Student Exhibitions at HAW and HFBK
2019Call Me #4, HAW Graduate Exhibition, Hamburg
2017 Stil, System, Methoden, Galerie Island, Hamburg
2016Design formt Mensch formt Gesellschaft, Master Class Exhibition, Hamburg
2014Parcours, Exhibition of Graduation Projects, Department Design, FH Münster
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